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Showing posts with the label Eliminate Negative Thoughts and Lose Weight

Eliminate Negative Thoughts and Lose Weight

Eliminate Negative Thoughts and Lose Weight   You think thousands of thoughts each day. You talk to yourself more than anyone else. You are your most trusted advisor and confidant. Many of the conversations that you have with yourself you would never share with anyone else because to do so would expose the “real” you. The you that is filled with self-doubt, worries, sadness, guilt, hurts, and disappointments.   But this is not the “real you” at all. This is the you that your ego and belief systems have constructed. These negative beliefs have been constructed by you and accepted by you as truth. The sad thing is that nothing can be further from the truth.   Where did these false ideas about you originate? They mostly came from others; parents, teachers, co-workers, and friends. They might have planted the seed by saying something like “she is fat” and you have cultivated those comments to the point that they have become your truth.   You are allowing your entire life to be controlled b