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Your Environment Is Killing You!

Your Environment Is Killing You!         It’s definitely not a comforting thought, but it is a fact that each and every day, the environment around you is doing its best to bring your life to a premature end! And this is true whether you live in a crowded, polluted city or miles from anywhere, out in the middle of the countryside. Wherever you are, and no matter what you are doing, the world around you is attacking you 24/7 and, if you really want to become a ‘Healthier You’, you need to start learning about it right now. More specifically, you need to discover what you can do to slow down the effectiveness of the attacks that the world is constantly making upon you and your body! Free Radicals         What are free radicals, and, more importantly, why are they so damaging to the human body? There are many sites on the internet that give detailed, scientific answers to this question but I am going to give a ‘potted’ version here, simply because that is all you need. Whilst having