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Showing posts with the label You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

  Diet || Diet essay You Are What You Eat         I would be willing to hazard a guess that the above is very probably a phrase that you have heard before. But, let me ask you, have you ever really taken a moment to think about it and what it actually means? Allow me to assist you. Every time you plow your way through a double cheese dog with extra fries, it is not just about gaining a few ounces. It is, however, very definitely about accumulating all sorts of noxious substances and harmful chemicals in your body, stuff that can bring your life to an end far sooner than necessary! Many people would, no doubt, think that this is scaremongering, that one fast food meal is not going to harm anyone, and that to a large extent is true, assuming that everything else that you eat is good for you. But the chances are that it’s not, and therein lays the problem. The overwhelming majority of foodstuffs that we consume nowadays are processed in some way, and this processing almost always invo