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The Keys To The Healthier You


Medicine Is Not Magic!

One of the most positive benefits of the often stunning advances in computer

technology over the last twenty years has been the assistance that it has

given to the development of medical technology.

Computers have enabled medical research to be successfully undertaken and

completed many, many times faster than was ever possible previously. More

and more diseases and illnesses have been isolated and investigated in a

fraction of the time that it once took.

Medical practitioners are becoming ever more skillful, with increasingly

sophisticated tools and instruments to help them in their tasks.

And yet disease, sickness and illness has not been comprehensively defeated

or outwitted, nor is it ever likely that they will be.

For example, it is now widely accepted that, no matter how quickly

computer aided technology and research might enable a virus to be identified

and isolated, the virus itself can mutate into a more virulent form much


Medical science is far more advanced than it ever was, but it is still fighting

a never ending battle against the power and strength of the ‘bad side’ of


So, man will probably never conquer disease entirely.

People will always become ill with all sorts of conditions and ailments, and,

in the worst cases, they will die from them.

Being healthy is, therefore always a question of degree to a certain extent.

You can only do what you can to be as healthy as you can possibly be.

Balanced against that, we have already suggested earlier that some medical

conditions are known to be made worse by being unhealthy.

For example, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and stress-related medical

conditions are all conditions that are known to be exacerbated as a result of

being unhealthy.

What is perhaps more surprising is the increasing evidence that would

suggest that becoming a ‘Healthier You’ will help you to do fight against

many medical conditions that were once believed to be unavoidable or

inevitable as well.

For example, everyone knows that one of the biggest killers is cancer, and

probably many still believe that getting cancer is ‘just one of those things’,

an unlucky and unavoidable bad draw in the lottery of life!

Not so, according to research.

Being healthier will definitely reduce your chances of getting cancer,

according to the latest findings.

As long ago as the year 2000, the ‘New England Journal Of Medicine’ was

reporting that whilst a persons genes appeared to account for around 30% of

all cases of cancer, the balance could be traced to a variety of other factors,

namely poor dietary habits, smoking, alcohol consumption and a lack of

exercise, as well as exposure to environmental toxins.

All of these are factors that most rational thinking people would quite rightly

believe to be unhealthy.

So, in short, being healthier can help prevent cancer as well as the myriad

other conditions with which being out of shape are usually associated.

The Four Pillars Of Health

We have already established that fitness is a vital part of becoming and

staying healthy, but that health and fitness are not necessarily synonymous.

Fitness and exercise, in fact represent just one of what I call the ‘Four Pillars

Of Health’, all of which have to be considered and addressed as a part of a

coordinated conscious effort to become a ‘Healthier You’.

These ‘4 Pillars’ are:

· Fitness & Exercise

· Lifestyle

· Diet

· Environment

This blog will work through each of these ‘Pillars’ in turn, showing you

sensible, practical things that you can begin to do as soon as you put this

book down to start becoming healthier.

However, it is important to realize that these ‘Pillars’ do not work nearly so

well in isolation, and that if they are adopted independently of one another,

then your chances of long-term success are limited.

For example, no matter how much exercise you do, if you continue to eat all

of the wrong foodstuffs, smoke like the proverbial chimney and consume

copious amounts of alcohol every night, then you are never going to get

much healthier.

Likewise, if you live in a city, then no doubt you are aware of the air and

environmental pollution that surrounds you daily.

Maybe you think that there is nothing that you can do to try to offset some of

the worst effects of pollution?

You would, however, be wrong as there is overwhelming scientific evidence

that dietary considerations can play a major role in helping you to fight the

worst effects of the dirt and toxins that surround you.

This will be dealt with in much greater detail later.

The final assumption that I am going to make before beginning to analyze

my ‘4 Pillars’ is that you are a very busy person!

If you are anything like me, then you have more than enough to do every

day without taking on any additional burdens that would stretch your

available time still further.

My objective is therefore to get you healthier than you have perhaps ever

been, but to do so as quickly and efficiently as possible at the same time.

And, if that sounds like a plan that you can work with, then let’s go right

ahead and get things moving without any further ado.


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