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Your Environment Is Killing You!

Your Environment Is Killing You!

        It’s definitely not a comforting thought, but it is a fact that each and every day, the environment around you is doing its best to bring your life to a premature end! And this is true whether you live in a crowded, polluted city or miles from anywhere, out in the middle of the countryside. Wherever you are, and no matter what you are doing, the world around you is attacking you 24/7 and, if you really want to become a ‘Healthier You’, you need to start learning about it right now. More specifically, you need to discover what you can do to slow down the effectiveness of the attacks that the world is constantly making upon you and your body!

Free Radicals

        What are free radicals, and, more importantly, why are they so damaging to the human body? There are many sites on the internet that give detailed, scientific answers to this question but I am going to give a ‘potted’ version here, simply because that is all you need. Whilst having some idea of what free radicals are, it is far more important to understand what they do, and how you can offset the worst effects of free radicals on your body. Your body is made up of millions and millions of different types of cells. Each cell is made up of molecules, which are, in turn, comprised of atoms. The nucleus at the center of these atoms is surrounded by a cloud of electrons.

        In a normal healthy cell, these electrons surround the nucleus in pairs, but just occasionally an atom loses an electron, leaving it with an "unpaired" electron. The atom is then called a "free radical", and it is very reactive because it will now actively seek another cell to ‘steal’ an electron from. Thus, it sets off a chain reaction of highly unstable and extremely short-lived free radical cells destroying healthy cells. During their fleeting existence (estimated at a trillionth of a second!) these highly unstable particles can inflict considerable harm on your body. Like sparks from a spitting fire that would burn holes in your living room carpet, these supercharged particles leap around the cell, causing huge damage to its internal structure. Free radicals leave a virtual killing field of destruction in their wake, punching tiny holes in cell membranes, altering the cell's molecular blueprint, and basically tearing the whole thing apart! Now, not all free radicals are harmful. Some arise normally during metabolism, and sometimes the body’s own immune system deliberately creates them to help to neutralize viruses and bacteria. Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. And we now know that free radicals are a major contributory factor to many medical conditions and illnesses, as well as being one of the prime ‘movers’ behind the basic human aging process. Heart disease and coronary attacks have been linked to free radicals, as well as cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, and even obesity. And, as suggested, free radicals are one of the keys to the aging process too. Whilst it is still believed that the number one factor that dictates how fast a person will age is genetic, free radicals are also an extremely important factor.

And what causes free radicals to develop?

      Well, of course, the answer to that is ‘many things but we do know that excessive free radical formation in human cells can be induced through exposure to such things as environmental pollutants, industrial chemicals, agricultural pesticides, cigarette smoke, and radiation. So, living in a crowded, polluted city means that you are under free radical attack from the dirt in the air, every day. But, living outside the city, in a clearer, cleaner environment is a little better, as it probably means that the sunlight is stronger, and sunlight in this situation equates to radiation!

What is the most common form of cancer of both men and women grouped together?

         The answer is skin cancer, and it is now established that one of the main contributory factors is exposure to radiation, more commonly termed sunshine! So, whether you realize it or not, you and your body are under attack right now. Time for you to start fighting back, I think…… Anti-Oxidants Perhaps the biggest single paradox of human life is that oxygen – the giver of life to all creatures – is also our long-term mortal enemy too! While it is obviously essential, oxygen’s involvement in all of life’s processes lies at the very heart of the human aging process, as oxygen is the primary molecule involved in the production of free radicals. And it is anti-oxidants that form the body’s front line defenses against free radical-induced oxidative damage. The power of anti-oxidants lies in the fact that they can safely interact with free radicals and halt the chain reaction that they instigate before vital molecules are damaged. And the best news is that, although they might sound somewhat mysterious, the necessary anti-oxidants are relatively easily obtainable, as the three main ones are vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. Vitamin E: or alpha-tocopherol. A fat-soluble vitamin is present in nuts, seeds, vegetable and fish oils, whole grains (esp. wheat germ), fortified cereals, and apricots. Vitamin C: or ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin present in citrus fruits and juices, green peppers, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, kale, cantaloupe, kiwi, and strawberries.

           Beta-carotene: or Pro-vitamin A (retinol) is present in the liver, egg yolk, milk, butter, spinach, carrots, squash, broccoli, yams, tomato, cantaloupe, peaches, and grains. Now, as with all nutritional matters, the exact amount of this anti-oxidant ‘triad’ that an individual needs will vary from one to another, but a good starting point would be to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day (including earlier in our diet regime). That would certainly provide a healthy dose of all of the anti-oxidants shown above, as well as a significant proportion of your required daily fiber as well. The next thing that you might want to consider is whether you should boost your levels of these vital antioxidants, as well as other vitamins and minerals, by using a good quality dietary supplement. Certainly, doing so will ensure that you have sufficient levels of all the necessary vitamins and minerals on board to stay in the best of health, as vitamin deficiency has been proven to be a major cause of many medical conditions.

       For example, a leading study of mortality rates amongst elderly Californians found that regular male supplement users had a 22% lower risk of death when compared with non-users over a given time period. The figure for female users was even higher at a staggering 46%!

Similarly, it was proved that significant supplementation with vitamin C, in excess of 250 mg per day (far above the normally recommended daily dosage) reduced the risk of male mortality from cardiovascular disease by 42% and lowered the risk of premature death by all causes by 35%. So, it certainly appears that supplementation will help in your daily fightback against an environment that is, quite literally killing you! Do, however, be aware that the quality of dietary supplements can vary quite considerably, so do not be tempted to buy the cheapest that you can find. There is a reason for that low, low price!


So, in a nutshell, the keys to becoming a new, ‘Healthier You’ are as follows:

· Increased exercise

· A balanced diet in sensible proportions

· Giving up those aspects of your lifestyle that you already know are bad for you and

· Being aware that every day, the world is attacking you, and what to do about fighting back.

Now, dependent on how unhealthy or out of shape you are as you sit reading

In these words, it may take a little bit of work to put everything that I recommend into action. There really is no way to get around that fact, because, as I suggested in the earlier pages of this book, there is, unfortunately, no secret magic formula to becoming healthier. Everything in this book is about you deciding that you want to enjoy your life to the maximum, and understanding that you cannot do so if you are unhealthy or out of shape. It is then simply a question of you setting your own goals, objectives that are sufficiently strong enough to drive you on when things do inevitably get a bit tough from time to time. Once you have done so, then you must commit yourself to reaching those goals, come what may. Finally, strive to take any and every step necessary to reach your goals. By doing all of these things, you will guarantee that the goals that perhaps seemed distant at the beginning of your journey will come just a little bit closer each and every day. And one day soon, perhaps before you even know it, you will find that you have become the ‘Healthier You’ that you had always dreamed you eventually would be!



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