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Let us draw in paint on computer

  Let us draw in paint

>Opening paint >Parts of paint window 

>Drawing shapes   >filling color in a shape   > saving your drawing > closing paint

We use many things to draw and color in our drawing book. to draw on the computer, we use some programs. There are lots of drawing and coloring programs, but in this article, you will learn about paints.

OPENING PAINT- follows the given steps to open the program:

STEP 1: click on the start button. You will find this on the lower-left corner of your screen.

STEP 2: Scroll down to find the windows accessories folder and click on it. A list of programs appears.

STEP 3: click on paint.

The pain window appears.

PARTS OF PAINT WINDOW- the main parts of a painted window are given in the picture.

Quick Access Toolbar- quick access toolbar contains some of the most commonly used tools.

Ribbon- ribbon is a bar with commands. It has two parts. Tabs and Groups.

TAB- each tab contains commands and tools to work in paint. There are two tabs in paint: Home and View.

GROUP- in each, a set of tools which do similar work is called a group. For example, shapes group as many shapes and colors group has many colors.

DRAWING AREA- the blank area where you make colorful drawings is called Drawing area.


Let’s learn to draw shapes using the shapes group in the ribbon.  Some of the shapes are: line, oval, rounded rectangle, rectangle, star, and triangle.

LINE SHAPES- to draw straight lines, we use the lines shape. To use line shape, follow the giving step:

STEP 1: click line shape in the shapes group.

STEP 2: choose a color formed color group.

STEP 3:  bring the mouse pointer on drawing area. The pointer will change to a plus sign.

STEP 4: drag the mouse to draw a line. Release the mouse button where you want the line to end. A line appears in the area.


To draw a rectangle, we use rectangle shape. Fallow the given steps to draw a rectangle:

STEP 1: click on rectangle shape in the shapes group.

STEP 2: choose a color from color group.

STEP 3: move the mouse pointer to the drawing area. Drag the mouse to draw a rectangle. Release the mouse button when the rectangle is drawn.


To draw ovals and circles, we use oval shape. Follow these steps to draw an oval:

STEP 1: click on oval shape in the shapes group.

STEP 2: choose a color from a color group.

STEP 3: move the mouse pointer to the drawing area. Drag the mouse to draw an oval shape. Release the mouse button when shape is drawn.


To fill color in a close shape in paint, fill with color tool is used. Follow these steps to fill color :

STEP 1: Draw a shape in which you want to fill color.

STEP 2: click fill with color tool in the tools group.

STEP 3: select a color from the color group.

STEP 4: move the mouse pointer to the shape you want to fill. The pointer will change to a bucket. Click the left mouse button. The color is filled in the shape.


To save your drawings, follow the given steps:

STEP 1:  click on file tab.

STEP 2: Click on save command from Manu.

STEP 3: type the name of your file in the file name box.

STEP 4 :  click on save button.


To close paint, follow these steps:

STEP 1: Click on file tab.

Step 2: click on exit.




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