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what is computer | Article on computer | What is the use of computer | Basic uses of computer | Basic parts of computer

 COMPUTER - a computer is a made-man machine that runs on electricity.

 we can play games, listen to songs and stories, draw pictures, solve sums, watch videos and movies, write letters, click and store photos and do many more things on a computer.

a computer is a smart machine.


1. AT SCHOOL- Teachers use computers to teach in school. They also use the computer to prepare test papers, mark sheets, certificates,s and report cards.

2. At Home - you can use a computer to make projects and play games. you can also Shop for things using the internet while sitting at home.

3. In banks - computers are used to maintain records of money and customer.

4. In Hospital- Doctors use a computer to create and study the medical records of the parents.

5. In Shop - shopkeepers use computers to create bills and maintain records of the items in the shop.

Main parts of a computer

Let us learn about the main parts of a computer.

1. Monitor - A monitor looks like a television. We watch cartoons, videos, movies, photo galleries, drawings, documents, etc. On the monitor.

2. Keyboard - have you seen a landline phone? It has small buttons on it. To dial a number, we press the button.

In the same way, we press the button on the keyboard to tell the computer what to do. The button on the keyboard is called a key. We press the keys on the keyboard to tell the computer what to do. Using the keyboard we can type letters, numbers, etc.

3. Mouse- have you seen a mouse?

A computer also has a mouse. The computer mouse looks quite similar to a real mouse. It is connected to the CPU box by a long wire that looks like a tail.

A mouse has buttons on it. we use a mouse to tell the computer what to do by selecting and pointing at things on the monitor.

5. CPU - CPU stand for the central processing unit.

CPU is inside the CPU box. It controls all other parts of a computer. CPU works like the brain of a computer.

6. Printer - it prints on paper what we see on the monitor.

7. Speaker - when you play music, a cartoon, or a video, the sound comes from the speakers.


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